The game is updated to the Estival Versus engine and contains some material not found in the first game, mostly through DLC. Senran Kagura Burst which was released for the Nintendo 3DS as a 2.5D side scroller. It is a remake of the first game in the series. Like Shinovi Versus and Estival Versus, Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal is a third person hack-and-slash game developed by Honey Parade Games and Tamsoft and published by XSEED Games. We will review both the PS4 and the PC version through Steam. But, in January 2019, it was released with the PS4 having some bits cut and the PC having the compete version. Due to policy changes at Sony, however, certain content has to be removed for the west and the game was delayed for a few months. Of course, its popularity in the West allowed for plans of a English version that was to be simultaneously released for PS4 and PC. The series saw the PC release of Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, an all-new anime subtitled Shinovi Masters and a remake of the very first game, Senran Kagura Burst Renewal.

2018 was a big year the Senran Kagura franchise.